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Screenshots » id:20049
Score: 4.83
Votes: 24
Classification Player » Altar
Date Submitted 2009-06-26 21:58:30
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Comments (7)
Phoenix.Baelorn[Report] Score: 9
It wasn't anything he did. It happened to my whole limbus group a couple of days ago too.
2009-06-27 00:27:57
Bismarck.Altar[Report] Score: 5
+1 to What Baelorn & Sekundes said.
@ the others: My dat modding is so hardcore that 4 people in the party saw it.
2009-06-27 05:01:38
Ragnarok.Sekundes[Report] Score: 4
It's got nothing to do with dat modding, just a chat log glitch that happens in this area of temenos pretty often. It probably has something to do with the long name. I see this happen nearly every time I'm here.
2009-06-27 03:33:05
Asura.Xedal[Report] Score: 4
I've seen this before changing random NPC names, if the name is too long, it will jump over and add the next name to that current name on the name list in the DAT. So lrn2.dat is utter fail in this case.
2009-06-27 14:45:44
Bahamut.Gokuhan[Report] Score: 3
That's up there with having Cover! in front of taking damage when you aren't covering or Resist! in log when you're curing someone. Just glitches out on occasion.
2009-06-27 07:49:39
Ramuh.Dasva Show Score: -17
Good job changing the names of mobs....
2009-06-26 23:40:05
Remora.Hackstealandbot Show Score: -21
2009-06-27 00:17:50