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Score: 3.12
Votes: 26
Classification Item » Moliones's Sickle
Date Submitted 2009-06-14 22:23:44
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Comments (6)
Caitsith.Frysia[Report] Score: 6
Yeah....that's kinda unreadable....
2009-06-14 23:56:06
Fairy.Sari[Report] Score: 2
If you dont agree with the chart, please post your own findings. Simply saying 'wrong' isnt much help.

The chart includes gear swap for Moli ring, all WSs vs a lvl75 mob blah blah blah feel free to check the link.

Basically, Subduer hits harder, WSs for more, Crits for more (and more often) etc etc. All damage is calculated by generally accepted formulae from regular hits to crits and WS dmg, it also inlcudes double/triple attack. the only variables that are NOT included involve Accuracy (the chart assumers 'perfect accuracy' and therefore Acc+ weps will have an additional advantage. The other variable not included is added effects such as Fire damage and Souleater etc. I dont mind people who disagree but please at least bring something more to the table than 'But..but...but...ummm...umm.. no?!...*sniff*' parse data doesnt count as it is impossible to control ALL other variables P
2009-08-10 18:26:51
Quetzalcoatl.Hete[Report] Score: 0
just wondering how ferrara beats nagerling wit 74dmg 4acc and nagerling is 85dmg 4acc 20att along wit grave/suzu both havin 9 and 10 less dmg. delay? if so then wouldnt death beat tred since its faster? all tha other stuff looks real informative tho
2009-12-30 06:06:11
Odin.Blazza[Report] Score: -1
Moral of the story is that Subduer and Perdu Sickle are the best Great Sword and Scythe (according to that)
2009-06-15 01:29:44
Siren.Thoraeon[Report] Score: -1
Does this include Molione's Ring?
2009-06-15 08:11:49
Bismarck.Gaiarys[Report] Score: -5
This chart does only compare "Delay/DMG" damage per second numbers. Subduer simply won't outdamage Algol or even Naglering.
Same goes for Scythes. Perdu =~Tredecim > Death+1/Moliones.
2009-07-18 07:41:33