Your intelligence level is only surpassed by your ignorance. I'm far from "fat" this is NOT the only pic I've posted of me on FFXIAH.
I find it hysterical that people can have the audacity to call people fat yet refuse to post a pic for everyone to see why it is THEY need be so full of insecurities so as to call others names...
Despite all that, I wish you and all fellow haters on FFXIAH a nice day :)
Kind of lost at how you guys can support Gaea there... when if you look at his other picture, he doesn't appear fat at all. And wtf is Gaea even remarking about? Think she needs a self-image check before saying "fat"
I dont think he's fat at all .. and not to be totally rude gaea but i would look in a mirror before callin someone else fat >.>
/slap vonty and /comfort vonty
i think your a smexy-rdm!
wtf post pics of yourself if you dont want to be commented on? Are you an item on the auction house? no, so stop complaining. {do yuo need it}