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Screenshots » id:17851
Score: 4.62
Votes: 45
Classification Player » Memimi
Date Submitted 2009-05-23 02:33:20
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Comments (9)
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] Score: 4
Expendable bait vs lures completely depends on what your targetting. Going for carp lures suck majorly. There several decent targets like this. However yeah its better to use lure however I'm not willing to lower my bite rate to 1/4 or more cause now Im getting like 3 more fish lol. And to fix in rabao is actually 2 light crystals and 1 lumber. You dont have to run just put a mule in there makes things alot easier while going for ebisu
2009-05-25 01:18:50
Bahamut.Memimi[Report] Score: 2
Avenged: Got it up to 30 now.^^ No, my fishing isn't high yet.

I was doing the skill ups while fishing carp route. Slower skill ups and no profit that way. I've already made a bit since I got it, though I broke it once.
2009-05-23 13:49:44
Cerberus.Phyrefly[Report] Score: -2
Your fishing doesn't need to be high if you have a lu shangs.
2009-05-23 14:41:18
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: -2
lol at ur gilz! <3
2010-04-19 17:01:23
Hades.Hatekhaos[Report] Score: -3
Yea I broke mine a few times too
Theres the quest in Rabao to fix it but you got to run out there everything and it costs about 8k - need 2 pieces of ancient lumber 4keach and a light crystal.
I lvled up WW to avoid the run there since im lazy lol. Sucks i changed server or i would fix it for ya.
2009-05-23 17:16:46
Remora.Dubont[Report] Score: -4
just some advice, stop using expendable bait. Jigs are better imo...never have to buy more unless u lose ur line...never have to requipt.... =) works great
2009-05-24 19:20:56
Bahamut.Avenged[Report] Score: -5
his fishing is only 18
2009-05-23 13:23:54
Hades.Drayco Show Score: -11
Sure aren't making much money off fishing are ya...
2009-05-23 12:35:13
Siren.Bungie Show Score: -15
2009-05-23 11:56:35