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Screenshots » id:17806
Score: 5.20
Votes: 10
Classification Player » Darkhelmet
Date Submitted 2009-05-22 10:14:39
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Comments (4)
Gilgamesh.Yuudye[Report] Score: 0
Anniversary ring. Same thing. You can hit 775 chain 5 at 65 on those things with an empress. So you can definately hit 1k a chain 5 with ani/kupo.
2009-05-22 15:26:36
Sylph.Jax[Report] Score: 0
Kupofried Ring!?!
2009-05-22 15:04:06
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] Score: 0
this is the max you can get with just sanction anni/kupo on chain5+. That being said some luck getting it since only the highest lvl imps will give enough for this and they check the same as the ones 1 lvl lower depending on what gear/merits you have.
2009-05-22 19:29:51
Bismarck.Darkhelmet[Report] Score: 0
I didn't have Corsair's roll on me. This photo was actually taken in 2006.. or '07.. whatever year the first introduced the ring. I got 90% of my merits from powerleveling myself on those imps. It's always nice to have a WHM rl friend. 18k/hr at the Khimmy camp.. not bad :D
2009-05-22 19:53:16