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Screenshots » id:12990
Score: 4.18
Votes: 17
Classification Player » Rafisback
Date Submitted 2009-03-04 17:52:05
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Comments (7)
Seraph.Octaviusc[Report] Score: 7
No offense but it's a little arrogant to expect everyone to post things in english only.
2009-03-04 21:26:26
Cerberus.Rafisback[Report] Score: 4
Well sorry, I'm playing in French so SS is in french. I guess it's easy to understand w/o translation ^^;

I soloed It in sam/dnc, it's not a hard fight, just very long cause he's pretty resistant to dmg (see my gekko >.>) 30min fight ~~
2009-03-07 05:02:32
Asura.Xed[Report] Score: 3
Do the math guys... Cmon, really.. Doesn't take rocket science to work out what is going on. Anyways. Good job with the ring, I remember getting that thing, was a pain solo.
2009-09-16 14:04:11
Sylph.Delagyela[Report] Score: 0
so dont read it, he got his jelly ring
2009-03-04 21:01:48
Carbuncle.Celest[Report] Score: -4
It's not that arrogant i don't think... most people on the site don't speak french. I just wanted to know what he got lol.
2009-03-04 22:13:32
Ragnarok.Ashman[Report] Score: -7
<I don't speak any French.>
2009-03-04 19:25:56
Cerberus.Jiko Show Score: -14
{Do you speak any English?} {Can I have it?} {Please assist.} {Thank you.}
2009-03-04 19:45:00