Ryiluh - Valefor

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PM Valefor.Ryiluh
Windurst 10 | Briareus Feller
Lyar is my online boyfriend but I am looking for more. If you're a boy between 18-23, send me an application and I might consider dating you online. I have high standards. I deserve it. Also my men aren't allowed to talk to any other females.

Comments (3)
Valefor.Killermidget[Report] Score: 0
Ryi?? Youre back in Valefor? whats up with your picture. Its pretty hilarious D:
2013-03-14 14:59:39
Valefor.Ryiluh[Report] Score: -2
Yes, I came back. This is my home and I don't care how many girls are jealous of me, I'm going to stay this time.
2013-03-14 15:52:06
Valefor.Miski[Report] Score: -1
o_o say whaaa?
2013-03-18 19:24:13
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