Soula - Titan

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PM Titan.Soula

Price History (25)
Vial Of Vadleany FluidMay. 8, 2011SoulaWurm10,000
Flask Of Echo Drops x12May. 8, 2011WicsSoula11,000
Piceous ScaleMay. 8, 2011MasazSoula4,000
Shocking WhiskerMay. 4, 2011AltinaSoula3,000
Quivering Eft EggMay. 4, 2011SedisSoula40,000
Bloodshot HecteyeMay. 4, 2011SoulaKimihiro20,000
Plate Of Squid Sushi x12May. 3, 2011EldelamaneSoula10,000
Tavnazian Taco x12May. 3, 2011SharpaySoula50,000
Plate Of Crab Sushi +1 x12Apr. 28, 2011SoulaBlacksupel15,000
TaimakuniyukiApr. 27, 2011YossiSoula150,000
Comments (2)
Titan.Deathgamerjr[Report] Score: 0
hey soula my friend said haha at you are a moron to stop harassing him... i had to change my name on the new server dg already existed and belive what you want dumbass
2009-07-17 20:14:23
Titan.Soula[Report] Score: 0
Real funny death. How stupid do u think we are? You're such an idiot thinking I'd actually believe that u changed your name after you stole ls bank and pop items. All your jobs/levels/gear are the same as they were here. This once again proves you're a liar. Burn in hell deathgamer.
2009-07-19 07:37:30
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