Pawlie - Titan

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PM Titan.Pawlie

Price History (25)
High-quality Buffalo HornMay. 8, 2011PawlieNamyusuke2,000
Bottle Of Yagudo DrinkMay. 5, 2011WelshcorgiPawlie1,300
Bottle Of Yagudo DrinkMay. 5, 2011SangrePawlie1,300
ElixirMay. 5, 2011RazoredgePawlie10,000
Fay CrozierMay. 5, 2011NohmanPawlie20,000
Super Ether +1May. 4, 2011PoporuruPawlie2,000
Super Ether +1May. 4, 2011MarboPawlie2,000
Hi-elixirMay. 4, 2011TarusbloodhartPawlie10,000
Pot Of Silent OilMay. 4, 2011ZaminPawlie1,000
Hi-elixirApr. 27, 2011BobbiePawlie10,000
Comments (1)
Titan.Naozumi[Report] Score: 0
Hey! We're trying to re-organize the linkshell. Everyone pretty much vanished so I'm trying to re-group those still interested in the LS. Centurion took the reign as the new sack holder in preparation for the server merge into Phoenix. We also have a nice looking website:
2011-04-26 11:10:48
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