Eoo - Titan

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PM Titan.Eoo

Price History (25)
Scroll Of BarpetraMay. 8, 2011EooPandakopanda20,000
Ice ClusterMay. 8, 2011EooReeba900
Earth Crystal x12May. 7, 2011EooMorokichi1,000
Earth Crystal x12May. 7, 2011EooKaleido1,000
Scroll Of BarpetraMay. 7, 2011EooTirobon20,000
Scroll Of BarpetrifyMay. 7, 2011EooShoichi20,000
Beetle ShellMay. 6, 2011EooSurja350
Wind Crystal x12May. 6, 2011EooGyoran3,000
Wind Crystal x12May. 6, 2011EooFuga3,000
Beetle ShellMay. 5, 2011EooAldaniti400
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