Kutrue - Sylph

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PM Sylph.Kutrue

Price History (25)
Marble NuggetOct. 17, 2023KutrueAziss5,000
Spool Of BloodthreadOct. 16, 2023KutrueLunaflear3,000
Piece Of Mahogany Lumber x12Oct. 16, 2023NalliKutrue50,000
Earth Crystal x12Oct. 16, 2023AlovesKutrue2,000
Earth Crystal x12Oct. 16, 2023AlovesKutrue2,000
Earth Crystal x12Oct. 16, 2023AloveKutrue2,000
Earth Crystal x12Oct. 16, 2023AloveKutrue2,000
Earth Crystal x12Oct. 16, 2023AloveKutrue2,000
Earth Crystal x12Oct. 16, 2023AcequeenKutrue2,000
Giant FemurOct. 16, 2023SaranyuKutrue1,000
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