Brytor - Sylph

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PM Sylph.Brytor
Bastok 10 | Bolide Baron
I Like Pie
10 1 1
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault First Lieutenant
Altana On Thin Ice
Campaign Emblem of the Holy Knight
C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
M.KupoD'etat Drenched! It Began with a Raindrop
S.Ascension That Which Curdles Blood
Smithing 8
Clothcraft 1
Alchemy 14
Woodworking 2
Goldsmithing 4
Leathercrafting 2
Bonecraft 1
Cooking 18
Fishing 12
Synergy 0
WAR 99 MNK 15
WHM 99 BLM 99
RDM 99 THF 99
PLD 99 DRK 99
BST 1 BRD 99
RNG 4 SAM 99
NIN 99 DRG 1
SMN 99 BLU 1
COR 99 PUP 1
DNC 99 SCH 99
GEO 1 RUN 23
Exp Totals
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Exp to Maat Cap
Relics (99)
Linkshell [GiggityGoo]  [LegionOfAltana]  [Swagger
FFXIV Chars Brytor Tatriez [Hyperion]

Price History (25)
Celadon Yggrete Shard IJun. 12, 2013PeuhobaudBrytor35,000
Alizarin Yggrete RockJun. 9, 2013OcheBrytor184,000
Imperial Gold Piece x99Jun. 7, 2013QueenesserBrytor2,800,000
Celadon Yggrete Shard VJun. 6, 2013EngetsuBrytor50,000
Reraise EarringMay. 31, 2013RekkyBrytor49,000
B.E.W. Pitaru x12May. 28, 2013MulasakiBrytor91,000
TitaniteMay. 26, 2013ByebyekoBrytor10,000
TitaniteMay. 26, 2013ByebyekoBrytor10,000
TitaniteMay. 26, 2013TaiwancuteBrytor10,000
TitaniteMay. 26, 2013RyosanBrytor10,000
Comments (1)
Sylph.Damonkal[Report] Score: 2
How I mine for fish!
2010-10-31 19:25:12
Screenshots (5)