We're no strangers to love, you know the rules -- and so do I. A full commitments what I'm thinkin' of, you wouldn't get this from any other guy. |
Price History (200) | | Item | Date | Seller | Buyer | Price |  | Battle Staff | Jan. 26, 2008 | Tame | Convict | 3,000 |  | Flask Of Holy Water x12 | Jan. 26, 2008 | Simatora | Tame | 5,000 |  | Mahogany Pole | Jan. 25, 2008 | Ellyria | Tame | 5,000 |  | Amemet Mantle | Jan. 25, 2008 | Banan | Tame | 4,000 |  | Bone Mittens | Jan. 25, 2008 | Tame | Sew | 1,000 |  | Battle Staff | Jan. 25, 2008 | Almina | Tame | 4,000 |  | High-quality Crab Shell | Jan. 24, 2008 | Tame | Cyobi | 5,000 |  | Sprig Of Fresh Mugwort | Jan. 24, 2008 | Tame | Mod | 1,000 |  | Earth Crystal x12 | Jan. 24, 2008 | Tame | Kuniyasu | 500 |  | Earth Crystal x12 | Jan. 24, 2008 | Tame | Drevianthief | 500 |