Xanthya - Shiva

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PM Shiva.Xanthya
Windurst 0 | Behemoth Dethroner

Price History (25)
PredatriceJan. 6, 2014MimumuchanXanthya30,000
Yorcia Visage IIOct. 22, 2013HyojuXanthya40,000
Faithful's Torso IIOct. 22, 2013HagurinXanthya50,000
Pair Of Faithful's Legs IIOct. 22, 2013TettoxXanthya50,000
Yorcia Visage IOct. 14, 2013DargoXanthya5,000
Rala Visage IOct. 14, 2013OmisopuXanthya5,000
Pair Of Faithful's Legs IOct. 14, 2013DalisXanthya30,000
Faithful's Torso IOct. 14, 2013PinneyXanthya12,000
Warp CudgelOct. 14, 2013AreenaXanthya45,000
Vile Elixir +1Sep. 10, 2013ArkasusXanthya80,000
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