The watch, black watch
My watch with a black face
And a big pin, a little hole,
And all the lot is what I got,
It's what I wear, it's what you see,
It must be me, it's what I am,
Vegetable man |
Price History (25) | | Item | Date | Seller | Buyer | Price |  | Enfeebling Torque | Jul. 20, 2009 | Mrspoon | Riqua | 770,000 |  | Courage Ring | Jul. 20, 2009 | Mrspoon | Jaesuck | 10,000 |  | Hachiman Sune-ate | Jul. 19, 2009 | Mrspoon | Grimreap | 110,000 |  | Courage Ring | Jul. 18, 2009 | Mrspoon | Aena | 10,000 |  | Eris' Earring | Jul. 18, 2009 | Mrspoon | Shidori | 10,000 |  | Water Staff | Jul. 18, 2009 | Mrspoon | Selene | 10,000 |  | Fowling Earring | Jul. 18, 2009 | Mrspoon | Osturn | 140,000 |  | Noble's Bed | Jul. 18, 2009 | Mrspoon | Hairspray | 60,000 |  | Light Staff | Jul. 18, 2009 | Mrspoon | Crabs | 10,000 |  | Piece Of Oxblood | Jul. 18, 2009 | Mrspoon | Rinda | 8,000 |