Ria - Ramuh

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PM Ramuh.Ria

Price History (25)
Hi-potionMay. 8, 2011RiaSmis1,000
Tonberry LanternMay. 8, 2011RiaKcal1,000
Ether +2May. 6, 2011RiaKagetuya700
ElixirMay. 6, 2011SuperlightRia9,000
Super Ether +1May. 6, 2011GunsevenRia2,000
Scroll Of Stonega IIIMay. 6, 2011AlzynieRia10,000
Austere CuffsMay. 6, 2011BlaizzeRia100,000
Bottle Of Ahriman Tears x12May. 5, 2011RiaMoribito5,000
Potion +2May. 5, 2011RiaYukkii500
Ether +2May. 5, 2011RiaEtham700
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