Price History (25) | | Item | Date | Seller | Buyer | Price |  | Piece Of Staghorn Coral | Jul. 16, 2016 | Kazushirou | Themis | 900,000 |  | Square Of Penelope's Cloth | Jul. 16, 2016 | Poterin | Themis | 500,000 |  | Square Of Velvet Cloth | Jul. 16, 2016 | Ysabeau | Themis | 20,000 |  | Spool Of Gold Thread | Jul. 16, 2016 | Valesf | Themis | 10,000 |  | Macuil Horn | Jul. 16, 2016 | Meguyu | Themis | 1,700,000 |  | Square Of Velvet Cloth | Jul. 16, 2016 | Ysabeau | Themis | 20,000 |  | Pinch Of High-purity Bayld x99 | May. 8, 2016 | Themis | Tibital | 2,500,000 |  | Pinch Of High-purity Bayld x99 | May. 8, 2016 | Themis | Tibital | 2,500,000 |  | Pinch Of High-purity Bayld x99 | May. 8, 2016 | Themis | Tibital | 2,500,000 |  | Pinch Of High-purity Bayld x99 | May. 8, 2016 | Themis | Tibital | 2,500,000 |