Dayonee - Ragnarok

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PM Ragnarok.Dayonee

Price History (25)
Rala Visage IIIOct. 2, 2013DayoneeZaren20,000
Rala Visage IOct. 2, 2013DayoneeEggone2,000
Scroll Of ReraiseOct. 2, 2013DayoneeChrysoberyll50,000
Jug Of Lucky Broth x12Oct. 2, 2013MylinxDayonee43,000
Tiger King's HideOct. 1, 2013KitotoDayonee5,000
Sharabha HideOct. 1, 2013KayayaDayonee5,000
Cermet SwordOct. 1, 2013MiiyosDayonee10,000
ShellbusterOct. 1, 2013PwintaruDayonee5,000
Tiger King's HideOct. 1, 2013DrayumuDayonee5,000
Sharabha HideOct. 1, 2013KrymmycatDayonee5,000
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