Innina - Phoenix

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PM Phoenix.Innina
Windurst 10 | Kumhau Roaster
My little girl is here! Taking a break :)
Relics (119)

Price History (1)
ImpatiensSep. 15, 2014InninaMoshi550,000
Comments (4)
Phoenix.Nyonah[Report] Score: -1
Thanks Innina! <3
2012-03-24 07:53:17
Phoenix.Explicit[Report] Score: -2
glad you were there to lead me through Carpenter's Landing! Still wouldn't have my Aegis if i had to find it on my own! and remember PLD > MNK!!
2012-03-24 17:43:33
Bahamut.Wakabo[Report] Score: -1
Grats on Nirvana!!
2013-03-25 00:27:16
Ragnarok.Xenophire[Report] Score: 0
Grats on the new toy!

Regards to you and Anu~
2013-03-25 16:36:31
Screenshots (3)