Leopard - Odin

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PM Odin.Leopard

Price History (25)
Mensur EpeeApr. 29, 2011LeopardSahsha20,000
Darksteel IngotApr. 28, 2011LeopardAgurues9,000
Light StaffFeb. 5, 2011LeopardSolato10,000
High-quality Black Tiger HideFeb. 5, 2011LeopardCecilee5,000
High-quality Buffalo HornFeb. 5, 2011LeopardGanesh1,000
Dusk LedelsensFeb. 5, 2011LeopardTamapon10,000
Hi-elixirFeb. 4, 2011LeopardSenatia10,000
Crudelis BeltFeb. 3, 2011LeopardSakatata7,000
Super EtherFeb. 3, 2011LeopardDoubutu1,000
Dogwood LogFeb. 3, 2011LeopardDorf1,000
Comments (1)
Odin.Loskiewoskie[Report] Score: 0
Hello i purchased your guarding torque for 35,443 by mistake and i would like to receive the rest of the gil back from the amount you auctioned the guarding torque. Please it was a mistake that can be corrected. Please kindly give me back the gil that was over paid from your auction item. Loskiewoskie
2008-06-25 13:42:48
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