Kaqqo - Odin

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PM Odin.Kaqqo

Price History (25)
Rimed WingMar. 1, 2012KaqqoNarahari3,000
IfrititeMar. 1, 2012KaqqoZorro10,000
IfrititeMar. 1, 2012KaqqoZorro10,000
IfrititeMar. 1, 2012KaqqoZorro10,000
IfrititeMar. 1, 2012KaqqoZorro10,000
Snow God CoreMar. 1, 2012KaqqoLongo40,000
Rimed WingFeb. 29, 2012KaqqoHikaga3,000
Sisyphus FragmentFeb. 29, 2012KaqqoArktos70,000
Rimed WingFeb. 28, 2012KaqqoTachiyan3,000
Sisyphus FragmentFeb. 28, 2012KaqqoDradran60,000
Comments (1)
Odin.Divvya[Report] Score: 0
This is an RMT along w/ Rattt and countless /shout bots that are involved in port jueno selling leech spots in an abyssea-uleguerand worm nuking parties as BLMs.
2012-02-15 22:46:55
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