Keress - Midgardsormr

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PM Midgardsormr.Keress

Price History (25)
Ball Of Crayfish Paste x99Mar. 19, 2010MiroriKeress1,000
Box Of Tarutaru Rice x12Mar. 12, 2010OruhaKeress3,000
Toolbag (shihei) x12Mar. 9, 2010MisttheshadowKeress34,000
Fire Crystal x12Mar. 7, 2010KeressLongshot1,000
Wind Crystal x12Mar. 7, 2010KeressAzaris600
Wind Crystal x12Mar. 7, 2010KeressAzaris600
Wind Crystal x12Mar. 7, 2010KeressAzaris600
Melon Pie +1 x12Mar. 7, 2010KeressMarles18,950
Earth Crystal x12Mar. 7, 2010KeressDethwyrm700
Hi-potion +2Mar. 5, 2010KeressDaxx1,000
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