Hohenheim - Leviathan

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PM Leviathan.Hohenheim
Windurst 10 | Bolide Baron
Looking to buy 150 Mulcibar's Scoria.
10 10 10
Zilart Awakening
Promathia Dawn
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault First Lieutenant
Altana Cait Sith
Campaign Mythril Wings of Service
C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy
M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat
S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension
Smithing 51
Clothcraft 2
Alchemy 102
Woodworking 8
Goldsmithing 54
Leathercrafting 12
Bonecraft 4
Cooking 27
Fishing 109
Synergy 8
WAR 49 MNK 83
WHM 99 BLM 99
RDM 99 THF 99
PLD 11 DRK 9
BST 99 BRD 80
RNG 99 SAM 49
NIN 49 DRG 35
SMN 99 BLU 14
COR 47 PUP 0
DNC 99 SCH 99
Exp Totals
Level Total
Exp Total
Maat Jobs
Exp to Maat Cap
Relics (99)

Comments (19)
Leviathan.Key[Report] Score: -1
Sup holmes!

2009-05-04 01:23:10
Leviathan.Rander[Report] Score: -24
Leviathan's best WHM hands down.
2009-07-12 04:36:36
Siren.Aseta[Report] Score: -1
2009-08-11 16:35:30
Leviathan.Sefitaro[Report] Score: -5
I'll touch it hoho!
2009-12-19 22:25:20
Ramuh.Sekundes[Report] Score: -1
Can I touch? >:D
2009-12-27 09:54:10
Gilgamesh.Cecilharvey[Report] Score: -4
Just because your com & your thread made me my day, /pokes it! :p
2010-01-30 19:51:17
Leviathan.Saivilem[Report] Score: -5
I miss Hoho nobody sits on my lap anymore :<
2010-01-30 21:31:39
Midgardsormr.Mistwolf[Report] Score: 0
Hi Hoho.. Ya.. I know miz is now the only one left.. lol.. i still check ffxiah from time to time even though i don't play ( i play shitty aion that's like a grind fest.. mixed with some pvp... it's fun to play for a little..) but i'm more or less waiting on FFXIV or something else... i dunno.. but i miss FFXI for sure.. It's such a better MMO
2010-05-06 20:51:20
Leviathan.Punku[Report] Score: -5
Your icon is... hot. @_@
2010-05-28 13:48:25
Leviathan.Nicki[Report] Score: -7
Hoho...all the mens belong to me!
2010-12-05 01:46:00
Screenshots (3)