Byohtsemoh - Leviathan

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PM Leviathan.Byohtsemoh
Bastok 10 | Lifter of Shadows
Will be gone until the end of November!! See ya soon!!
10 8 10
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault First Lieutenant
Altana Her Memories
Campaign Bronze Ribbon of Service
C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
M.KupoD'etat Welcome! To My Decrepit Domicile
S.Ascension Shantotto in Chains
Smithing 60
Clothcraft 60
Alchemy 60
Woodworking 100
Goldsmithing 60
Leathercrafting 60
Bonecraft 60
Cooking 60
Fishing 88
Synergy 69
WAR 99 MNK 99
WHM 99 BLM 99
RDM 99 THF 99
PLD 99 DRK 99
BST 99 BRD 99
RNG 99 SAM 99
NIN 99 DRG 99
SMN 99 BLU 99
COR 99 PUP 99
DNC 99 SCH 99
Exp Totals
Level Total
Exp Total
Maat Jobs
Exp to Maat Cap
Relics (99)

Price History (25)
Royal BedAug. 15, 2020ByohtsemohLadykyre10,000
DyrnwynAug. 15, 2020ByohtsemohBosan200,000
Piece Of Void Legwear: RDMAug. 14, 2020ByohtsemohTenzen260,000
Stick Of Ethereal Incense x12Aug. 13, 2020ByohtsemohGturbo400,000
Valseur's RingAug. 10, 2020ByohtsemohBeneluxe50,000
Malachite CrystalAug. 9, 2020ByohtsemohKesaku1,000,000
Beef StewpotAug. 9, 2020ByohtsemohNekoyasya15,000
Plate Of Sublime Sushi x12Aug. 8, 2020TibetByohtsemoh90,000
Sif's LockMay. 30, 2020ByohtsemohPopolulu6,000
Pole GripMay. 28, 2020ByohtsemohGeneralkenobi10,000
Comments (11)
Leviathan.Ejin[Report] Score: -13
Probably the best White Mage ever, and a really good friend!
2011-01-11 09:46:16
Leviathan.Mitsurughy[Report] Score: -9
Welcome back Kitten :)
2011-01-12 03:08:22
Leviathan.Xdeucex[Report] Score: -10
wb to levi/new remora :O annnd GL on the show! =D
2011-01-12 12:21:16
Shiva.Idril[Report] Score: -12
<333333333 +2! haha miss you and your awesomeness!
2011-01-25 10:16:28
Shiva.Robis[Report] Score: -14
BYO!!!!!!!!!! we miss you <3!!!!
2011-01-27 12:29:06
Leviathan.Avram[Report] Score: -9
like, sup?!
2011-02-21 21:36:01
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: -11
Grats on Ryunohige :o
2011-06-14 03:46:25
Leviathan.Iddy[Report] Score: -3
Byo & Iddy BFFL <3
2011-11-23 09:36:24
Leviathan.Smokehaze[Report] Score: -1
Grats on your 99 Ryunohige! was a fun fight. make sure you clean up that sauce.
2012-02-28 02:25:53
Remora.Kimmdragon[Report] Score: -1
do you still play????? im looking for narse and byo <333333 i miss you guys :).
2012-05-18 18:08:13
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