Tanama - Lakshmi

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PM Lakshmi.Tanama
San d'Oria 7 | Kaggen Clobberer
1 1 7
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Misplaced Nobility
Assault Superior Private
Altana Lest We Forget
Campaign Brass Ribbon of Service
C.Prophecy The Echo Awakens
M.KupoD'etat Hasten! In a Jam in Jeuno?
S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension (Fin)
WAR 50 MNK 30
WHM 99 BLM 99
RDM 99 THF 99
PLD 99 DRK 99
BST 8 BRD 99
RNG 99 SAM 50
NIN 99 DRG 99
SMN 30 BLU 78
COR 1 PUP 11
DNC 99 SCH 99
GEO 99 RUN 99
Exp Totals
Level Total
Exp Total
Maat Jobs
Exp to Maat Cap
Relics (95)

Price History (1)
Kaggen's CuticleMar. 8, 2014TanamaPrive400,000
Comments (11)
Sylph.Sagiaurex[Report] Score: 2
It's quite the calorie burner I gotta say 8D
2012-06-24 11:47:18
Leviathan.Dreamx[Report] Score: 3
I can't blame you for not being able to break eye contact with my Slapaja Avatar... It is simply.. Amazing.
2012-07-26 09:44:39
Leviathan.Lunarvega[Report] Score: 3
wave 7 7
2012-11-04 19:37:59
Lakshmi.Ghosterme[Report] Score: 4
My #1 Dragoon <3
melee mage gtfo
2012-11-14 22:30:35
Cerberus.Eidee[Report] Score: 3
happy 2013!
2013-01-01 00:14:33
Ragnarok.Taereon[Report] Score: 4
Gone with the wind fabulous!
2013-01-05 17:43:27
Lakshmi.Aeyela[Report] Score: 3
Wuffi says hi!
2013-02-02 20:34:10
Ragnarok.Zapxthebest[Report] Score: 4
Ever Soul Jump and *** the ceiling fan up? lol
2013-02-15 14:48:23
Quetzalcoatl.Princessrin[Report] Score: 4
future pharmacy technician!
2013-02-17 00:54:48
Valefor.Sapphire[Report] Score: 1
2013-03-08 05:56:52
Screenshots (9)