Mistsuy - Ifrit

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PM Ifrit.Mistsuy

Price History (25)
Chain ChokerMay. 8, 2011MistsuyAlexy1,000
Bat WingMay. 7, 2011MistsuyMaiyah100
Bone ChipMay. 7, 2011MistsuyDamonzahn100
Garnet RingMay. 6, 2011MistsuyGpio6,000
Beetle ShellMay. 6, 2011MistsuyShigrt500
Scroll Of Absorb-VITMay. 6, 2011MistsuyMarisol1,000
Horn HairpinMay. 6, 2011MelodyheartMistsuy3,000
Fire Crystal x12Apr. 30, 2011TamerraMistsuy2,500
Slice Of Dragon MeatApr. 30, 2011ChovitMistsuy30,000
Bloodwood LogApr. 30, 2011MistsuyPokotan1,000
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