Keysha - Ifrit

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PM Ifrit.Keysha

Price History (25)
Faerie TunicMay. 8, 2011KeyshaAlexy10,000
Wool SlopsMay. 8, 2011KeyshaBeviont4,000
ChakramMay. 8, 2011KeyshaTamica10,000
Horn HairpinMay. 7, 2011HaguchanKeysha3,000
Windurstian GaitersMay. 7, 2011MyusamaKeysha10,000
Seer's SlacksMay. 7, 2011CaderceKeysha5,000
New Moon ArmletsMay. 7, 2011ArmodullahanKeysha10,000
GambisonMay. 7, 2011StravetaKeysha10,000
Scroll Of ReraiseMay. 7, 2011ArgussKeysha5,000
Scroll Of Protectra IIMay. 7, 2011RekkaKeysha8,000
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