Fourlis - Ifrit

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PM Ifrit.Fourlis

Price History (25)
Vile ElixirMay. 8, 2011CrystarlFourlis1,000
High Breath MantleFeb. 1, 2010FourlisRamne7,101
High Breath MantleJan. 31, 2010FourlisScusa8,000
High Breath MantleJan. 31, 2010FourlisCassy7,500
High Breath MantleJan. 30, 2010FourlisTaneka7,500
High Breath MantleJan. 27, 2010FourlisJutsade8,000
High Breath MantleJan. 27, 2010FourlisDevilman8,000
High Breath MantleJan. 27, 2010FourlisMillon8,000
Clump Of Boyahda Moss x12Jan. 27, 2010AnnacristinaFourlis7,500
Clump Of Boyahda Moss x12Jan. 27, 2010KuitanFourlis7,500
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