Bastok 10 | Orthrus Decapitator
Missions |
Zilart |
Promathia |
ToAU |
Assault |
Altana |
Campaign |
C.Prophecy |
M.KupoD'etat |
S.Ascension |
Crafts |
Smithing |
Clothcraft |
Alchemy |
Woodworking |
Goldsmithing |
Leathercrafting |
Bonecraft |
Cooking |
Fishing |
Synergy |
Exp Totals |
Level Total |
917 |
Exp Total |
11,132,850 |
Maat Jobs |
6/15 |
Exp to Maat Cap |
3,393,300 |
Price History (25) | | Item | Date | Seller | Buyer | Price |  | Behemoth Knife +1 | May. 7, 2011 | Eleana | Mjj | 60,000 |  | Puffball | May. 6, 2011 | Eleana | Awaska | 500 |  | Lock Of Manticore Hair | May. 5, 2011 | Eleana | Hamtan | 1,000 |  | Chunk Of Adaman Ore | May. 5, 2011 | Eleana | Bussyu | 1,000 |  | Sirius Axe | May. 5, 2011 | Eleana | Papua | 90,000 |  | Scroll Of Myoshu: Ichi | May. 5, 2011 | Eleana | Umezawa | 7,000 |  | Hydra Fang | May. 4, 2011 | Eleana | Pooh | 5,000 |  | Heed Ring | May. 2, 2011 | Keryna | Eleana | 180,000 |  | Hydra Scale | May. 1, 2011 | Eleana | Phose | 20,000 |  | Berserker's Torque | Apr. 30, 2011 | Eleana | Meldity | 500,000 |