Azuro - Gilgamesh

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PM Gilgamesh.Azuro
San d'Oria 9 | Bennu Deplumer

Price History (25)
Toolbag (shihei) x12May. 7, 2011HagetankAzuro96,000
Shinobi-tabi x99May. 7, 2011RadiasAzuro7,400
Sanjaku-tenugui x99May. 7, 2011FedelineAzuro8,000
Hardened Raptor SkinApr. 27, 2011AzuroYuruzou900
Amemet Mantle +1Apr. 26, 2011AzuroHughjorgan10,000
Imp Sentry's HornApr. 26, 2011AzuroKico1,000
Handful Of Sabulous ClayApr. 26, 2011AzuroLesia800
Scroll Of Fire Carol IIApr. 26, 2011AzuroFuruba12,000
Chunk Of Orobon CheekmeatApr. 25, 2011AzuroPotentate20,000
Sparkling StoneApr. 25, 2011AzuroAhan1,900
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