Yuffe - Fairy

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PM Fairy.Yuffe

Price History (25)
Morion TathlumMar. 18, 2010SinfeederYuffe13,000
Morion TathlumMar. 18, 2010ManningYuffe13,000
Earth Crystal x12Mar. 18, 2010PoyoYuffe1,000
Lightning Crystal x12Mar. 18, 2010ChoijYuffe2,000
Gold EarringMar. 18, 2010KaninyuYuffe35,000
Gold EarringMar. 18, 2010KaninyuYuffe35,000
Wind Crystal x12Mar. 18, 2010GanondononYuffe1,000
Gold Ingot x12Mar. 18, 2010SeebellYuffe200,000
Evasion TorqueMar. 18, 2010YuffeHutomomo120,000
Thief's KnifeMar. 18, 2010YuffeTehchuck65,000
Comments (2)
Fairy.Chobit[Report] Score: 1
This guy just fails...
2009-04-12 10:56:55
Fairy.Shirahime[Report] Score: 1
Lol she invited me as RNG in a party where she was skilling up Staff on PLD and his friend Darryl with Polearm on SAM... huge fail... never wasted so much arrows in 10 minutes of party
2009-04-16 05:13:03
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