Athelia - Cerberus

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PM Cerberus.Athelia
San d'Oria 1 | Chocobo Trainer
Smithing 0
Clothcraft 0
Alchemy 10
Woodworking 0
Goldsmithing 3
Leathercrafting 0
Bonecraft 4
Cooking 0
Fishing 4
Synergy 0
WAR 49 MNK 8
WHM 99 BLM 99
RDM 49 THF 31
PLD 19 DRK 1
BST 1 BRD 99
RNG 1 SAM 99
NIN 49 DRG 1
SMN 1 BLU 29
COR 99 PUP 1
DNC 99 SCH 49
GEO 12 RUN 1
Exp Totals
Level Total
Exp Total
Maat Jobs
Exp to Maat Cap
Relics (90)

Price History (25)
Sniper's RingJan. 1, 2014AtheliaAyu50,000
Noble's TunicJan. 1, 2014AtheliaKpchop20,000
Witch SashDec. 31, 2013AtheliaComply200,000
Buquwik CapeDec. 30, 2013AtheliaDarthhayden20,000
Caudata BeltDec. 30, 2013AtheliaChalkoutline500,000
Blessed PumpsDec. 30, 2013AtheliaUcha20,000
Cho'j BandDec. 29, 2013EideeAthelia10,000
Dweomer ScytheOct. 29, 2013AtheliaSelys5,000
Yorcia Visage IIIOct. 27, 2013AtheliaLizardman180,000
Pot Of Silent Oil x12Oct. 27, 2013YunafureaAthelia23,000
Comments (2)
Cerberus.Yunabell[Report] Score: 1
My most favorite kitty on the server! :) You are truly such a sweetheart <3
2013-10-12 07:28:38
Cerberus.Athelia[Report] Score: 0
Awww I miss you my yuna
2013-12-19 06:00:39
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