Hiroku - Caitsith

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PM Caitsith.Hiroku

Price History (25)
Lightning Crystal x12May. 6, 2011HirokuVeaw2,000
Water Crystal x12May. 6, 2011HirokuLaala1,500
Wind Crystal x12May. 6, 2011HirokuSaton6,000
Earth Crystal x12May. 6, 2011HirokuMogetan1,000
Imperial Bronze PieceMay. 6, 2011MagicalamberHiroku1,000
Plate Of Squid SushiMay. 6, 2011MoeHiroku2,000
Earth Crystal x12May. 6, 2011HirokuEmmco1,700
Shihei x99Jun. 7, 2009SavageeHiroku3,800
Iron SwordJun. 7, 2009HirokuImmolatus5,000
Spool Of Silk ThreadJun. 6, 2009HirokuLlegolas700
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