Apruru - Caitsith

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PM Caitsith.Apruru

Price History (25)
Scroll Of Vital EtudeMay. 8, 2011RchiaApruru20,000
Scroll Of Herculean EtudeMay. 8, 2011RupopepeApruru30,000
Scroll Of Warding RoundMay. 8, 2011SarahyuckeyApruru1,000
Avian RemexMay. 8, 2011MakoxxApruru4,000
Avian RemexMay. 8, 2011KisakaApruru3,000
Withered CocoonMay. 7, 2011MaminekoApruru3,000
High-quality Black Tiger HideMay. 7, 2011NanaiApruru10,000
High-quality Buffalo HornMay. 7, 2011PompsApruru1,000
Fay TeardropMay. 6, 2011SeiriosApruru1,000
Unseelie EyeMay. 6, 2011SeiriosApruru10,000
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