Iccha - Bismarck

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PM Bismarck.Iccha
Windurst 10 | Orthrus Decapitator

Price History (25)
Buffalo HornOct. 5, 2014WorxIccha40,000
Philosopher's StoneAug. 3, 2014IcchaRanon5,000
Philosopher's StoneAug. 3, 2014IcchaRanon5,000
Philosopher's StoneAug. 3, 2014IcchaRanon5,000
Lock Of Siren's HairAug. 3, 2014IcchaYoungelf165,000
Gold IngotAug. 3, 2014IcchaHaniel7,000
Plate Of Sole Sushi x12Aug. 3, 2014PorkvitzIccha21,000
Wailing StoneAug. 3, 2014IcchaSeadream5,000
Wailing Stone +1Jun. 22, 2014IcchaFunkymunkey70,000
Wailing Stone +2Jun. 22, 2014IcchaMoonbell700,000
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