Visnu - Bahamut

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PM Bahamut.Visnu

Price History (25)
Pot Of Silent Oil x12Feb. 7, 2013VisnuHalshion25,000
Murex SpiculeFeb. 7, 2013PrucianVisnu2,000
Spool Of Platinum Silk ThreadFeb. 7, 2013BluemeVisnu2,000
Philosopher's Stone x12Feb. 6, 2013VisnuMemels290,000
Philosopher's StoneFeb. 5, 2013MapelVisnu19,100
Philosopher's StoneFeb. 5, 2013FloresVisnu19,001
Philosopher's StoneFeb. 5, 2013LiberVisnu19,000
Philosopher's StoneFeb. 5, 2013CajuVisnu19,000
Philosopher's StoneFeb. 5, 2013MindbreakVisnu17,000
Philosopher's StoneFeb. 5, 2013MegrimVisnu10,000
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