Keladrial - Bahamut

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PM Bahamut.Keladrial

Price History (25)
Barataria RingAug. 6, 2024DonshadowKeladrial300,000
DuskcrawlerJul. 25, 2024KeladrialSpyxi100,000
Ashen CrayfishJul. 23, 2024KeladrialFredex80,000
Ashen CrayfishJul. 22, 2024KeladrialSpysi80,000
Ashen CrayfishJul. 22, 2024KeladrialSpysi80,000
Vial Of Befouled WaterJul. 17, 2024KeladrialAshikawa90,000
One Hundred Byne BillJul. 16, 2024TasipurKeladrial350,000
Spool Of BloodthreadJul. 16, 2024KeladrialNathanoo10,000
Friomisi EarringJul. 16, 2024LouellaKeladrial3,000,000
Fern Stone x99Jul. 16, 2024EuvedantKeladrial380,000
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