Downover - Bahamut

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PM Bahamut.Downover
Windurst 10 | Behemoth's Bane
Thanks everyone for the time we shared. Goodbye~~
10 10 10
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault Chief Sergeant
Altana In the Name of the Father
Campaign Mythril Wings of Service
C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat
S.Ascension Project: Shantottofication
Smithing 39
Clothcraft 11
Alchemy 60
Woodworking 60
Goldsmithing 7
Leathercrafting 60
Bonecraft 100
Cooking 29
Fishing 31
WAR 55 MNK 75
WHM 34 BLM 17
RDM 38 THF 75
PLD 75 DRK 75
BST 10 BRD 20
RNG 19 SAM 75
NIN 75 DRG 19
SMN 12 BLU 3
COR 33 PUP 0
DNC 37 SCH 0
Exp Totals
Level Total
Exp Total
Maat Jobs
Exp to Maat Cap

Price History (231)
ShiheiMay. 4, 2010BeckydacatladyDownover3,967,530
Darksteel IngotApr. 24, 2010KouchaDownover10,000
Demon HornApr. 24, 2010TakuponDownover3,000
Darksteel IngotApr. 24, 2010TilutoDownover10,000
Holy SwordMar. 2, 2010BroughamDownover15,000
Morion TathlumMar. 2, 2010GuizmoDownover11,000
Turtle ShieldMar. 2, 2010FogoazulDownover6,000
Eremite's WandMar. 2, 2010ShawnmichaelsDownover3,000
Geist EarringMar. 2, 2010SeiunskyDownover25,000
Savage GauntletsMar. 2, 2010ZiedDownover35,000
Comments (10)
Bahamut.Tantrum[Report] Score: 0
Look at this sexy cat!
2009-01-05 19:17:20
Bahamut.Alriath[Report] Score: 1
The monk I want to be when I grow up ;) ^
2009-10-21 09:23:22
Bahamut.Rumaha[Report] Score: 1
Fuzzzzzzyyyyyyyy Buuuuutttttt
2009-11-05 15:18:16
Bahamut.Downover[Report] Score: 1
2009-11-07 00:00:37
Bahamut.Seanna[Report] Score: 1
One of the most awesome THF Mithra I've ever met. o.o~
2009-11-08 09:48:07
Bahamut.Cloudsofflame[Report] Score: 0
you're a good player on your mnk, i appreciate your all your help and thanks for the Altruistic cape. ^^
2009-11-08 18:05:38
Bahamut.Agbyrrd[Report] Score: -1
Im telln ur boss you skipped work to get trotter boots hope ur having fun in them and remember when u laugh i will laugh.........
2009-11-15 04:36:50
Bahamut.Raenryong[Report] Score: 1
needs moar drkcat
2010-01-10 21:59:32
Diabolos.Rydiya[Report] Score: 1
Aw. Buh-bai Downy!
2010-05-05 04:06:25
Phoenix.Jovant[Report] Score: 1
Beckydacatlady is one lucky mofuga!
2010-05-05 13:15:27
Screenshots (14)