Aeonova - Bahamut

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PM Bahamut.Aeonova
I've made a character on Bahamut to see how the server is. So far, it's as pleasant as described.

Price History (25)
RubyOct. 6, 2023AeonovaBrhee20,000
ShofarOct. 5, 2023FwafwanAeonova50,000
ShofarOct. 5, 2023FwafwanAeonova50,000
Swordbelt +1Oct. 5, 2023TokmulAeonova500,000
Chronos ToothOct. 5, 2023AloenaAeonova50,000
Mammoth TuskOct. 5, 2023CatoruAeonova30,000
Square Of Wolf FeltOct. 1, 2023CallenAeonova30,000
Mythril SheetOct. 1, 2023HarthneelAeonova30,000
Square Of Karakul LeatherOct. 1, 2023TruceeAeonova20,000
Square Of Laminated Buffalo LeatherOct. 1, 2023SlotusAeonova100,000
Comments (1)
Bahamut.Negan[Report] Score: 0
2020-09-02 13:27:12
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