Umikos - Asura

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PM Asura.Umikos
I only really give a kcuf for things that set my soul on fire, for magical tihs, like love.

Price History (25)
Piece Of Void Legwear: CORJul. 12, 2020UmikosLavalette80,000
Piece Of Vivified CoralJul. 11, 2020UmikosPhenomenal10,000
Zaffre Yggrete Shard IIJul. 8, 2020UmikosVolchun7,000
Chunk Of Cockatrice TailmeatJul. 4, 2020UmikosDoomedd10,000
Five Of Cups CardJun. 14, 2020UmikosBackrush1,000
Eschalixir +2 x12Jun. 7, 2020NarmerUmikos280,000
Eschalixir x12Jun. 7, 2020YedidiaUmikos2,000
Bewitched Sune-ateJun. 7, 2020LadibugUmikos100,000
Bewitched HaidateJun. 7, 2020PegasuUmikos100,000
Bewitched KoteJun. 7, 2020ElfeyeUmikos200,000
Comments (1)
Asura.Vampric[Report] Score: 0
/pokes gently... hope you are doing great.
2018-06-06 16:22:01
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