Price History (25) | | Item | Date | Seller | Buyer | Price |  | Scarletite Ingot | May. 21, 2023 | Tinyfoxx | Hardguy | 150,000 |  | Scroll Of Foe Sirvente | May. 12, 2023 | Magdaa | Tinyfoxx | 400,000 |  | Leaftip Stone +2 x99 | May. 12, 2023 | Tfblade | Tinyfoxx | 3,000,000 |  | Chirich Ring +1 | May. 11, 2023 | Badtoad | Tinyfoxx | 8,500,000 |  | Leafslit Stone +2 x99 | May. 11, 2023 | Tfblade | Tinyfoxx | 2,000,000 |  | Piece Of Staghorn Coral | May. 11, 2023 | Tinyfoxx | Asupoyoyo | 100,000 |  | Leafslit Stone +2 x99 | May. 11, 2023 | Bepapa | Tinyfoxx | 2,000,000 |  | Imperial Silver Piece | May. 11, 2023 | Macoaliapoh | Tinyfoxx | 4,000,000 |  | Snowslit Stone +2 x99 | May. 10, 2023 | Askalot | Tinyfoxx | 5,000,000 |  | Duskslit Stone +2 x99 | May. 10, 2023 | Princessjim | Tinyfoxx | 1,500,000 |