Price History (25) | | Item | Date | Seller | Buyer | Price |  | Lustreless Wing x99 | Jul. 4, 2021 | Alose | Fugiwara | 140,000 |  | Bewitched Mail | Jul. 4, 2021 | Alose | Gussanjr | 30,000 |  | Blurred Shield +1 | Jun. 28, 2021 | Agwashay | Alose | 3,701,000 |  | Bowl Of Oden x12 | Jun. 19, 2021 | Ragnarky | Alose | 10,000 |  | Scroll Of Utsusemi: Ichi | Jun. 16, 2021 | Alose | Kaiidazkar | 40,000 |  | Royal Squire's Mufflers | May. 30, 2021 | Alose | Errors | 40,000 |  | Hope Crystal | May. 28, 2021 | Alose | Pcell | 30,000 |  | Fervor Ring | May. 22, 2021 | Sevama | Alose | 10,000 |  | Baayami Cuffs | May. 22, 2021 | Ednamode | Alose | 1,500,000 |  | Baayami Hat | May. 22, 2021 | Roncoco | Alose | 1,000,000 |