LOL at the guy that bought one slime oil for 11,500 gil thinking he was getting a stack!!! Always a good idea to double check what your buying Superpinch!!!
That's why anyone who farms slime oil should also be an alchemist... that way when idiots undercut slime oil that's when you turn it to Silent Oils. Although right now on my server, it is more worthwhile to just sell the raw materials than actually manufacturing Silent Oils. Unlike Slime Oil it doesn't self regulate when price gets too low, since young alchemists just flood the market with them.
If you are dumb enough to sell a stack of Slime on the AH for 3k or less, you deserve the piddling amount of gil you get back for it. I say this because you can SELL IT TO AN NPC FOR MORE. That's right, friends. At 250-256g a pop, selling Slime to NPCs is gonna net you more than 3k minus AH taxes.
I agree Jar...A lot of the problem is people are impatient when it comes to selling items they farm. They want to sell fast to get some gil ASAP and they need to undercut to get it. I was selling mine for 10K a stack and in 2 days it has dropped to 8K. In Bastok AND Jeuno. I saw someone in Bastok undercutting 4oogil to make a quick sell. They don't realize this, but in the long run they are only hurting themselves. I have seen these people farm and they are thf's like me and they still undercut o.o Later on I guarantee you they will see the price and get all pissy and say to themselves..."Who's the tard that unndercut prices D:" When all they have to do is look in the mirror. You better guarantee I don't undercut when it comes to my own farm items.