* 1 x Maple Sugar
* 1 x Rock Salt
* 1 x Imperial Flour
* 1 x Wild Onion
* 1 x Distilled Water
* 1 x Grauberg Lettuce
* 1 x Butterpear
* 1 x Peeled Lobster
For those of you logging in Yhoater Jungle for Butterpear I have had better success using Worker's Gear over Field Gear for HELM. Granted it's an investment unless you can get someone to craft the gear for you... on second thought scratch that. The gear will cost you but selling the Butterpear's on the Auction House or crafting the Seafood Pitaru yourself to sell will more than cover it.
Wearing no field gear I got 2 Butterpear in 1 hour.
Wearing Field Gear I got 7 Butterpear in 1 hour.
Wearing Worker Gear I got 12 in 1 hour.
I do spend a lot of time harvesting and logging, just thought I'd try
They have avocados. They have salsa. It'd be nice (even if pointless) for them to add a recipe for guacamole now. Maybe a new omelet recipe that uses guacamole, too.