Level synched to colibris and can't hit them? No BRD or COR?
Well, we have just the thing, folks! These nice sushis are cheap so it doesn't matter if the bird eats it, you can easily pop another one of these scrumptious tidbits into your mouth and continue swinging! No dual wielder should be without these! No more excuses for those misses on multi-hit weaponskills! (Act now, supplies are limited)
katsumi means to say that it also gives you 13% RNG ACC as well. after testing this food with rng and thf this is to say a very cheap alternative to squid sushi.
In addition to Zexa's comment on Colibri, these make a lot of difference in Campaign Battle and are cheap enough that you really won't care if you die and lose it. Remember, campaign exp is performance based. You'll notice a difference between even cheap food like this and none at all.
I personally pop these like candy in campaign and besieged on DRG.
NO job should be eating sushi in campaign (let alone a 2H job - ESPECIALLY DRG). The mobs evade like rocks if you're 60+ and why would you be doing Campaign before then anyway?
Besieged, other random skill ups and of course, certain Colibri levels and jobs, sure.
Never eat sushi before Lv40, at most. The acc is based on a % and your acc is so low during lower levels that that % increase sushi gives is so low, it does next to nothing. Meat is a much better gain at those levels due to how atk works.
Sorry if any of this came off as condescending but people pop sushi like a drug ever since it was released, when it is totally unnecessary most of the time. Especially now with the advent of pizza.
Sushi is a horrible crutch that players have been leaning on for years.