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Root » Food » Meals » Sweets
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Stock 0
Rate Dead Slow (0.013 sold/day)
Median 10,000
Max 8,000,000
Min 1
Average 414,380
Last 2,800,000
Price History
3 Months Ago2,800,000
3 Months Ago4,500,000
3 Months Ago10,000
3 Months Ago1
GilPrice History11/46/810/244/410/280M2M4M6M8M10MExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Price History (25)
Dec. 31, 2024AlukardsAlugear2,800,000
Dec. 31, 2024AlukardsAlextaru4,500,000
Dec. 31, 2024DaddAlukards10,000
Dec. 31, 2024AlextaruAlukards1
Oct. 28, 2024MadiCcoolish10,000
Sep. 22, 2024KiyaDizzmal10,000
May. 23, 2023RazeeTinyraz8,000,000
Jul. 28, 2022YacoShul2,000
Apr. 4, 2022HokulaniCamali2,000
Apr. 4, 2022RoronoasenpaiCamali5,000
Comments (7)
Garuda.Claudeus[Report] Score: 8
NQ: Chocolate Cake x1
HQ1: Silken Spirit x1
Fire Crystal
Patissier (Key Item)
1x Apkallu Egg
1x Bird Egg
1x Heart Chocolate
1x Maple Sugar
1x Olive Oil
1x San d'Orian Flour
1x Selbina Milk

Only 1hMP shy of wizard cookie, yet it lasts for 3hr(4hr HQ) and gives a decent mp boost of 3% (not sure about any cap to mp given)
2007-11-07 04:06:24
Ifrit.Rikirocket[Report] Score: 7
I not too long ago made this for my mums birthday because she wanted a cake, so i went to the npc's for the simple stuff. Next on the list, the Apkallu Eggs, so wondered off to Whitegate to get the eggs. Guesss what, yup none in stock and 50-60k a stack.

With her birthday only a a day or two away i put my gear on and went to farm them. I got about 3 in 90 min (i was on SMN tho) so this might be a reason why ya dont see many of these on the AH.

Problem is that you cant keep farming these birds as they have a type of hate that builds (sorta like formrs in Tav) and the more hate you have the worse thier TP moves get and the better there defence.

My mum got her signed cake on time didnt blow it up and its now up for a crazy amount of gil in her bazar so she dosent eat it, go figure...
2009-10-09 05:12:23
Fenrir.Artamas[Report] Score: 5
* Group Food Effects
* MP +3%
* MP Recovered While Healing +6
2009-03-14 10:38:53
Fairy.Pyrethea[Report] Score: 1
I like this food I'm going to start using it. Wizard cookies always seem to wear off right after I start resting.

Just remeber if you use this food that it has group effect and if I read correctly it will food lock anyone within range. Really easy way to mess up the rest of your party sticking them with a 3 hour food effect.
2009-06-29 01:56:22
Fairy.Tlore[Report] Score: 1
Good food for mages who dont want to use cookies, unfortunatlly no one cooks these on my server
2009-01-12 18:42:54
Diabolos.Anthaio[Report] Score: 1
The cost/profit table recipe list is incorrect. It lists an Apkallu feather when it is supposed to be Apkallu egg, which also throws off the bottom-line calculation by a lot, since the eggs sell for 50k/stack currently on our server.
Eggs can easily be farmed with 3 blm, but an untapped market at the moment.
2009-10-22 22:51:12
Odin.Meoww[Report] Score: 0
someone needs to correct this recipe, it is an Apkallu Egg like claudeus below says not the feather

2009-09-07 01:18:27
Screenshots (1)
id:3873 Cooking (86)
Total Cost79,444