Yield: Yogurt Cake
HQ 1: Silken Smile
Fire Crystal
Patissier (Key Item)
1 x San d'Orian Flour
1 x Maple Sugar
1 x Olive Oil
1 x Kitron
1 x Selbina Milk
1 x Bird Egg
1 x Apkallu Egg
1 x Yogurt
For the people that dont all ready know the "Group food effect" on this can be a one way ticket to agro central.
You use the item on yourself, it will go on EVERYONE around you within an AOE range.
This means you can make your DDs eat sweets instead of thier normal meat or sushi if you pop yours 1st. Just take care when useing this in close range of other party members.
As for crafting the item cooks are left to the mercy of people that farm, and the things that drop the Apkallu egg hold hate, and it builds up fast they get nasty TP moves and become more and more resastaint to attacks.
Would be awesome for manaburn-pt's, but unfortunately - as Rikirocket meantioned - it is a pain in the a.. to get Apkallu Eggs. Its hard to farm them solo with increasing hate :/
This is the best food for long xp/merit sessions. Unfortunately none of these cakes are made often because of the Apkallu eggs necessary; Apkallus have a mysterious hate and defense system that makes farming eggs nearly impossible.