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Root » Food » Fish
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Stock 0
Rate Dead Slow (0.001 sold/day)
Median 871
Max 123,456,789
Min 1
Average 17,644,433
Last 1
Price History
80 Months Ago1
99 Months Ago123,456,789
112 Months Ago871
118 Months Ago51,461
GilPrice History3/142/140M25M50M75M100M125M150MExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Price History (7)
Aug. 31, 2018GenjaGenja1
Feb. 14, 2017KazikaziKazikazi123,456,789
Jan. 11, 2016HenaiHenai871
Jul. 1, 2015McdavidMcdavid51,461
Jul. 16, 2012TriffleTriffle777
Jul. 11, 2012IwawoIwawo1,129
Mar. 14, 2012BabilonBabilon1
Comments (4)
Siren.Ladiebird[Report] Score: 4
Caught this fish in Abyssea Vunkerl off the bridge. I used ebisu rod and meatball bait.

~~Happy fishing
2011-11-20 16:46:43
Valefor.Acex[Report] Score: 1
Caught off the bridge in Abyssea-Vunkerl next to Conflux #2 with Ebisu and Sliced Bluetail. Out of 50 casts I caught 5 of these and 45 Bastore Sweepers.
2013-01-15 12:50:16
Fenrir.Majaha[Report] Score: 0
You can fish this with a Lu Shang's Rod +1. I used Slice of Carp as a bait.
2021-06-24 17:04:40
Titan.Ancoron[Report] Score: -2
anyone knows where i can fish this fish? and with which rod and bait?
2010-09-24 03:49:43
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