Location: Abyssea - Altepa
Spot: Pond near Conflux 6
Bait: Minnow, Sinking Minnow , Meatball
NPC for 10,250 - 10,520
For some reason its much easier to catch than Haks and line snaps rate is way much lower.
Keep Sneak up and stay in water spot between the two mini ponds so that Cuijatender wont come that near to you.
Bite rate is quite high on Meatballs but more testing should be done, Minnows have lower rate than Meatballs for some reason and thats an advantage considering space.
That spot is almost always busy with FC parties so its perfect if you join an FC for TE and stay in Pond to fish while getting XP as well.
It is possible to fish Gavial Fish along side Sekiryu rate so plan accordingly.
If you have sneak up fishing monsters wont be an issue they will depop without agro.