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Root » Food » Fish
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Stock 0
Stack Price 10,000 (10,000 per)
Rate Dead Slow (0.001 sold/day)
Median 1,000
Max 84,000,000
Min 1
Average 10,500,543
Last 1,000
Price History
8 Months Ago1,000
34 Months Ago84,000,000
89 Months Ago1,337
204 Months Ago1
GilPrice History4/2612/110M20M40M60M80M100MExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Vendor Prices
Name Zone Price
Kulh Amaryio Aht Urhgan Whitegate 4650 gil
Price History (8)
Jul. 18, 2024LambpieDeadwing1,000
May. 26, 2022SaelboljinAvagale84,000,000
Dec. 11, 2017LongarmsLongarms1,337
Jul. 1, 2008KodakenKodaken1
Mar. 26, 2008MiisyaVtrano1,000
Feb. 26, 2008TmoMiisya1,000
May. 2, 2006ApusApus1
Apr. 26, 2006CocoaCocoa1
Comments (4)
Hades.Rotfuchs[Report] Score: 5
Woodworking (79), Alchemy (?)

Yield: River Aquarium
Light Crystal

* 1 x Petrified Log
* 1 x Oak Lumber
* 1 x Sieglinde Putty
* 1 x Glass Sheet
* 1 x Freshwater Set
* 3 x Kayabaligi
2007-08-01 03:12:34
Phoenix.Felonius[Report] Score: 3
Found this to be really fast skillups in comparison to other things I have recently tried (Three-Eyed-Fish, Bastore Bream, Gavial Fish, and Grimmonite). Decent Bite rate in Al Zahbi in the moat by the exits to wajaom using Lu Shang's and Minnow. I went from 70 to 73 in about a week of 1-2hrs fishing a night while looking for party or waiting for besieged.
2007-11-16 10:57:22
Cerberus.Vegetaspride[Report] Score: 1
Absolutely Felonius, not only what u already mentioned, but sells for 3,720gil per stack to the vendor right at J-7 too!^^
2008-03-06 16:27:59
Pandemonium.Dainiela[Report] Score: 1
Vegetaspride, you are correct, but still, sell it to wahnid from the fisherman's guild at whitegate near the boat to Mhaura, and get about 5k per stack
2009-02-20 13:29:32
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